Garden Baby Bath ♥

August 28, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

   As you may have noticed I am a lover of nature. As an avid gardener, I spend a large majority of my year working my garden and landscape. My goal is to transform our vegetable garden to a cottage garden . Well , this year after many hours & days of sweat, bug bites, and back breaking is well on it's way. I still have other features to add, but, I am so pleased with the progress I have made this year. I have established so many perennials , herbs & flowering shrubs, next year is going to be a jewell of a garden. Perfect for Spring & Summer sessions ! 

  I really dig old ,vintage items . A collector of sorts, I like to surround myself with things that remind me of days gone by. Good memories too ! My husband and I jump at the opportunity to go antique shopping on weekends. So on a recent trip to pick up a sofa for my studio at an antique shop( oh, that is a story in itself ! ) at D &T Treasures, I spotted an old enamel washtub. As I was inquiring about the price, the owner asked if I had seen a baby tub that they had been holding for a local photographer.......... OMG , that's me , me , me !!!!  The lady there had told me about it months ago & was supposed to email me a photo. I never got that , but , the tub was quite the prize ! I pointed out my business cards that I had left there & she was like , Oh , yeah !! It is you !! SOLD !!!! A great find & an it will be an awesome prop for children photos. 

  One day while working in the garden , watching the abundance of beautiful butterflies fluttering around me. I brainstormed....I'll find a baby to take a bath in my garden !  I can incorporate the wash tub too , as a wash day shoot ! We had just took a road trip to Franklin County to pick up an old plow and I bought a vintage wooden pull toy that I could use in the shoot also .....PERFECT !! Luckily , I knew of just the right baby. My great niece had just moved back to Virginia with her husband and baby . They are living close by and I asked her if she could come on over and let me take some pics ! Okey-dokey ! Baby Trey is super cute & sweet and just the right age for this shoot. So I staged it in and around the garden and was ready when she arrived. A beautiful, yet a bit sticky morning. 

  Trey appears to frown and look oh so serious most of the time . But , he is so cute and sneaks those grins and giggles when least expected ! Funny how hard it can be to get those on demand , LOL ! He did enjoy his garden bath and splashing in the bubbles ! And was much more lively after his morning bath. Here is a link to view this cute as can be Garden Bathtime gallery. Enjoy the shots and I would love some feedback !




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